See how factories using Autonomous Ground Vehicles can benefit from advanced wireless networks to increase efficiency and safety, and reduce dead-spots and bottlenecks.


What is the problem to be solved?

Autonomous Ground Vehicles (AGVs) and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) are an important part of many modern manufacturing facilities. Their goal is to automate the transportation of parts between manufacturing areas in complex environments seamlessly, integrating with other technologies for more effective automation and management of processes.  Involved parties include telecoms operators, robot manufacturers, and system integrators. They aim to achieve reliable communication to control AGVs in real-time, even in remote or complex areas within the facility. Additionally, they aim to ensure the secure exchange of large quantities of data in a short timeframe with AGVs, integrating with advanced sensing technology for increased autonomy and safety.

However, AGVs and AMRs often encounter connectivity issues, with Omron citing that 90% of all AGV faults are connectivity related. These vehicles operate in large, potentially hostile environments sometimes filled with dust, radiation, and other potential hazards, which can be detrimental to their wireless connections. Such environments also tend to be highly metallic, causing further disruptions.

AGVs often require both high-bandwidth and low latency connections to allow for remote management and control, and the latency in particular is critical for real-time control during hazardous events.  Any injuries caused by AGVs damage their reputation and hinder further adoption. 

All this means that AGVs require seamless handover between wireless access points and robust connectivity capability, even amidst noise, interference, and other challenges. Signal dead-spots and low coverage areas can cause all the problems mentioned above, and need to be carefully avoided in any deployment, making maximum use of the wireless technologies available.

Implementing these vehicles requires high initial investment costs, not only for the vehicles themselves but also for the necessary expertise in wireless and robotics skills, in addition most existing designs are not 5G ready, so may require additional cost or skill to retrofit or replace connectivity modules.  This is an area that is complex and costly to deploy, and even more costly to fix problems afterwards, so there is a large benefit in learning from people that have done it before.

What is the solution to the problem?

The implementation of AGVs and AMRs across production and logistics operations requires a stable communications network.  This network must manage the simultaneous operation of multiple AGVs and provide the necessary coverage and performance to ensure control is maintained as the vehicles transition between different environments.  5G mobile networks are eminently suitable for this and can also be used to facilitate high bandwidth video feeds, enhancing real-time monitoring and control.  Network options, which can include Wi-Fi 5/6, private/public/hybrid 5G, largely depend on the application, environment complexity, and required security levels. Roaming between private and public networks can also be made seamless with 5G technology if required. Although this is doable in theory this is a complex technical challenge at the moment.

AGVs and AMRs may be retrofitted with a 5G industrial dongle or router to leverage 5G's communication and location awareness capabilities. Retrofitting routers is not an ideal way, this is only an interim option as ideally we need Native 5G enabled AGVs. Additionally, mixed 5G/Wi-Fi support may be used, depending on radio coverage. Quality of Service (QoS) should be maintained for each User Equipment (UE), with stop modes implemented if QoS isn't upheld.

The connectivity architecture should be designed to future-proof the implementation of AGVs and AMRs, enabling integration with other technologies. AGVs can replace repetitive tasks with an autonomous solution, enhancing efficiency and reducing labour costs.

Safety considerations, such as the co-existence of robots and humans, speed of operation, nature of transported materials, and indoor/outdoor applications, should be considered when implementing AGVs and AMRs. The connectivity solution should cater to these mission-critical requirements to ensure a safe and efficient working environment.


British Sugar

Commercial model (Business Case)

Implementing AGVs controlled via a 5G network can significantly transform manufacturing operations. These AGVs can replace forklift drivers, trolleys, and line following robots, leading to a substantial increase in efficiency and a reduction in labour costs.  The use of AGVs in remote, hostile environments, as demonstrated in various case studies on the UKTIN website, can not only replace manual tasks but also reduce associated paperwork and delays. This transition can increase productivity by up to 30% and reduce labour costs by as much as 40%.

In addition, the use of AGVs can reduce downtime and IT support tickets, further enhancing efficiency. The integration of AI with factory automation can increase production by 33% per hour, reduce defect rates by 88%, and reduce assembly-line staff by 50%. Moreover, precision monitoring and control over a P5G network can improve machine productivity by 15% and reduce average defect rates by 10%.

While the initial investment in 5G Networks for AGVs might seem substantial, the payback period, based on salary substitution and efficiency gains, can make a compelling business case. Furthermore, the use of AGVs allows for 24/7 operation, eliminating low skilled repetitive work and reducing the risk of injuries, both increasing efficiency and reducing health & safety incidents.


Integrating AGVs into factory operations via a 5G network can offer a multitude of benefits. Firstly, the use of reliable robots with fast data transfer capabilities can significantly improve productivity and efficiency. These robots can operate on continuous shifts, reducing the constraints imposed by human work schedules, and enabling a 24/7 operation.

Secondly, the use of AGVs can centralise coordination of robots, allowing for smoother navigation and reduced downtime. The robots' extended range enables them to navigate across different environments, including indoor and outdoor production and logistics points. This feature reduces the risks of mishaps due to human error such as tiredness or carelessness. Additionally, centralisation and long-distance coverage allows for remote tele-operation and control of AGVs, which can reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Another significant benefit is the improvement of safety within the factory. With less manual handling for operators, the risk of health and safety incidents decreases, thereby protecting the company's reputation. Moreover, AGVs can provide reliable repeatable transport routes, enhancing traceability of stock and reducing low-skilled repetitive work within the factory.

Lastly, the implementation of AGVs, especially those based on 5G networks, helps factories solve more complex automation problems and be prepared for future technologies, ultimately enhancing efficiency, agility, and safety. The benefits can vary depending on the factory's needs, scale, and complexity of production processes.

Lessons Learnt 

Deploying AGVs in a factory environment requires careful planning and coordination among various stakeholders. Given that AGVs are expected to co-exist with human workers, ensuring safety and addressing concerns around 5G emissions and machine operations is crucial. Early engagement with the workforce to communicate these safety measures and benefits can help in smooth implementation.

A lack of radio coverage can lead to blind spots, delays, and traffic jams in AGVs. Therefore, thorough planning of the physical path and wireless network design, including quality of service and interference, is essential.  Undertake rigorous testing during initial trials before making substantial investments.

Consider potential commercial and project pitfalls, including insufficient scope of work, excessive customisation of design, and integration challenges.  Have a clear line of communication between AGV technical support and the user.

It is also essential to ensure that the telecoms supplier, IT department, factory management, and robotics and system integrators work together. Applying for an Ofcom license early and ensuring that the radio equipment supports the band is a crucial step.

Finally, remember that connectivity is just an enabler. The selection of the right robot technology and good programming are as important as network optimisation for a successful AGV implementation. Consider working with partners to leverage their expertise in connectivity and AGVs.