Adnan Ahmad Cheema

Adnan Ahmad Cheema obtained BSc in Computer Engineering from the COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan and MSc in Signal Processing for Communication from the King’s College London, UK. He has a PhD degree in Electronics Engineering from Durham University, UK, funded by Durham University and HMGCC, UK. His PhD thesis was relating to the development of channel sounder for use-cases in cognitive radio and radio propagation channel in sub-6 GHz band.

From 2015 to 2017, he worked in Durham University, UK as a postdoctoral research associate on a project funded by OFCOM, UK, dealing with the 5G radio propagation channel measurements and modeling (sub-6 GHz and 24-90 GHz). His work has been part of various ITU recommendations like of 1238 and 1411. In 2017, he joined Ulster University, UK, as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Electronics Engineering and is currently leading the Advanced Wireless Technologies Lab (AWTL). He has a grant portfolio of over £4.5 million.

His research interests include wireless communications (6G), channel measurements and modelling, wireless spectrum (e.g. dynamic access and RF-EMF), machine learning, testbeds and proof of concept system development.