Liverpool City Region Combined Authority

The Liverpool City Region is governed by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and its constituent councils.

The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority was established on 1 April 2014 and the membership includes the Liverpool City Region Metro Mayor, five local authority leaders of Halton, Knowsley, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral Councils, the elected Mayor of Liverpool City Council and the Chair of the Local Enterprise Partnership.  Warrington and West Lancashire Councils are Associate Members of the Combined Authority.

The Combined Authority works with the Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership to promote and deliver economic growth.  The Local Enterprise Partnership also ensure that the views of businesses are represented in strategic decision making.

Merseytravel is the Executive body that provides professional, strategic and operational transport advice to the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority to enable it to make informed decisions. It is also the delivery arm, making transport happen.  It delivers transport projects that support the economic growth of the Liverpool City Region. The focus is on improving connectivity within the region and beyond, improving the customer experience from ticket buying to journey planning and maintaining the integrated transport network, including the Mersey Ferries and Mersey Tunnels, to ensure it is fit for the future, accessible and safe.