Darren Cadman

Business development manager at Space Forge Ltd.
Experience and expertise in collaborative R&D programmes, RF & microwave engineering, and semiconductors.
Additional in depth experience in university commercialisation, additive manufacturing of microwave components from a range of materials.

Darren has a breadth of experience within the microwave sector spanning fundamental research through to production and manufacturing. He is Business and Bid Development Manager for Space Forge; a UK based global first mover in the market for in space manufacturing  of semiconductor materials. Such materials can offer significant benefits when deployed in terrestrial systems, such as RF power amplifiers. 

He gained his PhD from the University of Leeds in microwave engineering after which he work for Filtronic Compound Semiconductors serving the wireless infrastructure market. After this he spent 14 years at Loughborough University managing an electronics manufacturing research centre and a large ESPRC programme on the additive manufacture of microwave components and metamaterials, gaining significant experience of the challenges of commercialisation of university based research. Followed by a short stint at the CSA Catapult where he was heavily involved in work on energy efficient networks.