Rural Security

What can farmers do to protect themselves against the rising costs caused by agricultural theft? In this case study, GJD look at the security options available for protection.





What is the problem to be solved?

The NFU Mutual Crimes Report 2024 tells us that the agricultural sector has been hit by £53m worth of theft in 2023, with a trend predicting that this cost will go up again next year.

According to Farmers Weekly, rural crime is more sophisticated than ever, meaning that those working in the agricultural sector will need to be more vigilant and better prepared to protect their assets.

Colin Campbell, NFU Mutuals Regional Manager for the Southeast, said the rise in better-organized culprits “is incredibly alarming for people who live and work in the countryside.”

A report published last month by the Country Land and Business Association warned that police forces in England and Wales that cover large rural areas are “in crisis” and need more funding to fight back against the organised gangs.

Mr Campbell said “Thieves are increasingly targeting high value equipment such as Global Positioning System (GPS) units, the theft of which has increased in the UK by 137%”. 

Why are farms being targeted?

The remote location of farms and the challenges of securing high-value assets such as machinery, fuel, and livestock make them easy targets for criminal gangs.

Hannah Binns, rural affairs specialist at NFU Mutual, says, “Intelligence shows thieves frequently target several farms in one night before moving locations to steal these highly valuable and portable kits, often revisiting farmyards weeks later to steal any replacements.”

The true cost to farmers

Rural crimes cost UK farming £53m in 2023, an increase of 4.3% compared to 2022, and as we look at the stats from the NFU Mutual Crime Report 2024, the figures look even more concerning:

  • GPS Theft cost estimated to be £4.2m
  • Quad and ATV theft cost estimated at £3.2m
  • Agricultural vehicle theft cost estimated at £10.7m
  • Livestock theft cost estimated to be £2.7m

If we look beyond the headline figures and start to comprehend the knock-on effects of these crimes, we better understand the true picture.

A farm runs to a tight and precise schedule. Theft of fuel, machinery, or livestock disrupts crop timelines, leading to delays in planting, harvesting, and other crucial operations. This disruption affects productivity and increases labour costs as farmers scramble to compensate for the missing equipment. Additionally, theft can have long-term financial repercussions, such as higher insurance premiums due to increased risk exposure. Ultimately, the true cost of theft encompasses not just the value of stolen items but also the broader impact on farm operations and finances.

We can emphasise this loss by looking at two specific areas, GPS and livestock theft.

GPS Theft

A 137% increase in GPS theft is startling enough, especially considering the cost to replace each unit is approximately £10,000, but there is a greater impact on farmers. Without the GPS, farmers and agricultural contractors can face severe delays and disruption to harvesting and cultivating work.

Farmers report that livestock crimes are among the most upsetting and hardest to calculate losses for. Livestock theft leads to the loss of important breeding lines and worries about the welfare and treatment of stock.

The other disturbing issue that is raised by GPS theft is the fear that it will happen again; the evidence suggests that once a farm has been hit by a gang, it is likely that they will revisit it weeks later to steal the replacements.

The fear created is perfectly described by Hannah Binns, rural affairs specialist at NFU Mutual: “Being from a family farm, I know first-hand that the impact of rural crime goes well beyond the practicalities of farming. It’s the unnerving feeling that criminals have boldly staked out and targeted farmyards and fields, often a few feet from the family home.

It’s also living in fear of repeat attacks, knowing that thieves are always looking for new ways to target rural communities.’’

Livestock Theft

An example is the upsetting case of County Durham sheep farmer Neil Fell.

Mr Fell had sheep worth £18,000 stolen from his farm on the day of his father’s funeral. Thieves drove a lorry into his field and stole sheep in the value of £18,000. However, he believes that the cost to him is much higher. He had to buy more lambs and breeding ewes to replace the sheep stolen from his 800-head flock. He calculates that his actual loss is closer to £35,000, as he would have reared the lambs to sell.

“This hit my cash flow, and I have a wife and two children to support,” said Mr Fell. The theft was reported to police, but inquiries have been drawn a blank.





What is the solution to the problem?

Enhancing Rural Security with Innovative Wireless Connectivity

Traditional security solutions have long been hindered by rural connectivity challenges. Farms and remote properties are often spread across large areas, with security infrastructure requiring power and a stable network to function effectively. Conventional wired solutions involve costly installations and disruptions to farming operations, making them impractical for many landowners.

However, with long-range wireless security technology, even a modest investment can have a significant impact on farm security, reducing on-farm theft.

The first step, however, is to assess and review your farm’s existing security. You know your farm better than anyone else, so walk around and conduct a survey. Working from the outside boundaries of the farm inwards to the farmhouse and office, try to think about your land and property from the perspective of a potential thief. This is referred to as the “onion peeling principle.”

Once you have an idea of your farm’s vulnerabilities, Secured by Design, an official Police security initiative, identifies three key principles to protect your farm.

  • Deter
  • Delay
  • Detect


The simple principle behind ‘deter’ is to instigate simple changes that will make it harder for criminals to steal from you. This means they are more likely to target an easier target than your farm. Some simple solutions you can do are:

Lock your assets away

A simple and cost-effective solution is to ensure that high value items like tractors, quadbikes, fuel tanks, and high value tools are locked in secure buildings. While it is harder to lock away livestock, you can ensure they are kept away from roads and behind strong and secure gates.

The YG80B gate and roller door lock from BQT offers a holding force of 4,000 kg, delivering top-tier security for openings that require maximum protection, even in extreme weather conditions. It’s a versatile solution commonly used on overhead doors, roller doors, gates, and trucks.

security lighting

Good security lighting

Thieves like to work under the cover of darkness, so strategically placing Illuminators from a reputable manufacturer like GJD around the property, which will turn on when an intruder is detected, means that a thief or gang is less likely to come onto your property.


The simple presence of security cameras on a property will often act as enough of a deterrent to stop potential criminals from progressing too far onto your land. Security cameras are also key to the detection of criminals.

CCTV Monitoring

There are companies, that provide monitored CCTV. This means that once an intruder has been detected, a real person will instantly activate a speaker and let the criminal know that they have been detected and that police are on the way.

If a paid monitoring service is beyond your budget, cheaper alternatives like the Multispeech from GJD are also available. The Multispeech has four channels that can play one of four different 30-second messages, which again will let the intruder know they have been detected.

Display a vehicles identification number

Have the Vehicle Identification Number etched on the windows. This makes the vehicle more detectable and less appealing to thieves because they have to grind out the numbers.


If you have failed to deter a determined criminal, you want to delay their efforts to steal from you. This means there is time for you or the authorities to get to them before too much is stolen.


Restrict access to your farm with locked and secure gates fixed to a concrete post.

Fencing, hedges and ditches

Maintaining strong fences, high hedges, and deep ditches makes it harder for intruders to get onto your land.

Strong locks

Securing your vehicles to a fixed point in the ground will delay any theft. If you have quad bikes, you can use bespoke security devices, such as Quadvice, or an electronic locking solution, like the YG80B, designed to secure any overhead door, gate or large opening.


For the delay measures to work, intruders must be detected immediately when they attempt to break into your farm or steal from your property.

Security Cameras

While acting as a strong deterrent to criminals or gangs from targeting your farm, they are also vital for detecting intruders and alerting you and the authorities.

Perimeter Protection

Every guide you read online will point toward security cameras as vital to your farm protection. However, they do have limitations - they require power and communications to function meaning they are often based near to sources of both, namely properties. If they do then detect a presence, that presence is already on your property leaving little time for the authorities or you to respond, which puts both your safety and assets at risk..

GJD, therefore, recommends having a strong and robust perimeter protection system that utilises wireless technology to place detectors around the perimeter of your land. This means you are given advance notice of intruders before they get close to valuable property or assets.

Suggested Security Products

The list below includes some recommendations of products available on the market to protect your farm.

LX Lora Connect

  • Long range wireless connectivity. Traditional security networks often rely on Wi-Fi or cellular connectivity, both of which can be unreliable in remote areas. LX LoRa Connect operates on a low-power, long-range wireless network, meaning it can function even in areas with no internet or mobile coverage and has a range of 6-miles, therefore suitable to most farms. This network can connect speech enunciators, detectors, illuminators, and cameras.
  • Energy-Efficient and Low Maintenance. Unlike Wi-Fi or cellular networks, which require high power consumption, LX LoRa Connect is designed to work with battery-powered or solar-powered devices, ensuring security solutions can be deployed even in off-grid locations.
  • Cost-Effective and Scalable. Historically, securing an entire farm required expensive trenching and cabling to connect all security points. LX LoRa Connect eliminates this cost barrier, allowing farmers to deploy and scale their security without disrupting their operations.
  • Integrated Smart Security Ecosystem. LX LoRa Connect is more than just a security system—it is a smart farm management tool. In addition to securing perimeters and detecting intruders, the system can: monitor temperature fluctuations in storage facilities for livestock and produce; automatically open and close electric gates, reducing the need for manual operation; control security lighting based on detected movement, improving energy efficiency.
security camera

Security Cameras

Many brands produce high-quality security cameras that can be used on your farms. One such range is the HeatPro range from Hikvision, boasting perimeter protection with unparalleled accuracy and fire prevention. Featuring deep-learning video analytics in all weather and light conditions, these cameras hit the target in both cost and performance for farms and other rural facilities.



White light LED illuminators are a visible deterrent to intruders, letting them know they have been discovered. The GJD range provides class-leading performance, low maintenance, and a projected working life in excess of 10 years. The illuminators come with an interchangeable lens diffuser, which means the length and angle of the beam can be altered to meet your specific requirements.


Away from the bright lights of the main farmyard, infrared illuminators work with CCTV in those dark areas to improve the quality and range of the imagery they provide at night.

GJD’s range of infrared illuminators comes with a five-year warranty and has been used on programs such as Countryfile and Winter Watch to provide high-quality nighttime imagery.


There are two core types of detectors: wired and wireless. On the farm, GJD recommends a wireless detector like our D-TECT X. It can be positioned further away from the farm buildings to protect the perimeter or livestock.

The GJD detectors use a two-beam method that detects motion and heat, allowing them to distinguish when a human is in the beam as opposed to the farm’s livestock. Detectors will inform you when an intruder is on your land before they get near key infrastructure, allowing you to contact the police.


Speech Enunciators

Speech enunciators will play a recorded message to inform the intruder that they have been detected and encourage them to leave the farm before anything is stolen or damaged.

GJD recommends our Multispeech Kit, a four-channel speech enunciator module that includes an 8ohm Hornspeaker designed for intruder monitoring, access control, welcoming, advising, or warning. Each of the four channels can record a different 30-second message, or alternatively, one single message of 120 seconds long can be recorded.

Electronic Locking Solutions

The YG80B is a unique electronic locking solution designed to secure any overhead door, gate or large opening. Able to be integrated into an access control system or operate completely stand alone with inbuilt Bluetooth control. Made for any climate and robust enough to withstand all environments, the YG80B can be utilized in places most electronic locks can’t and provides unparalleled security and convenience.

See for more information.

Commercial model (Business Case)

When a security system does its job properly, you won’t notice the benefits. This is due to a successful system acting as a deterrent and theft not happening. The only way you can truly notice is if you have been a victim of theft in the past and can see the results of less crime happening on your farm.

The truth is that security is a system that you purchase and then hope to never have to use.

With it being so hard to measure the return on the investment, is it worth getting security, or should you just rely on your insurance to pay out if the worst should happen?

This approach to security comes with several concerns and questions that you need to ask yourself with regards to your insurance.

Is all of your equipment registered on your policy?

At the time of renewal, how much time do you spend making sure that any new equipment has been added to your policy? And have you correctly assessed the market value of your property?

Will the insurer pay out what you are expecting?

Sometimes, the things we own are more valuable to us than their monetary value suggests. Farm equipment can often fall into this category, but this can be a problem regarding insurance.

Insurers often pay out the market value of the equipment they are using, which takes into account depreciation, an agreed-upon amount, or a limit specified in the policy schedule. Some policies might cover the cost of a new replacement, but these are often rare.

This can create a problem in that unless you can find a good second-hand replacement, you might have an essential piece of equipment you can’t afford to replace. Of course, this will have serious business and livelihood implications.

The dangers of underinsurance

Aviva predicts that 50% of businesses are underinsured, meaning they have not accurately detailed their business costs and needs to the insurer. This is easily done, with many companies renewing with their broker and not thinking about how inflation, labour cost, and valuation of your assets have changed and will renew without looking at it. The problem is that in this case, it means that when the time comes to make a claim, the insurer may not pay out all of the costs, or worse, any of the costs incurred. Aviva says their data show that a claim exceeding £10,000 in value would end one in ten small businesses.

Have you taken reasonable steps to protect your property?

Your insurance provider may have included clauses in your policy stating that you took reasonable steps to protect and safeguard your assets, such as equipment, livestock, or fuel, as a business. Always make sure you read the small print and know your responsibilities.

Insurance won’t take into account the down time

An insurance claim takes time, during that period how much working time is lost? Do you have contracts you have to fulfil, do they come with penalties? There are a lot of knock on effects from a break-in that your insurance won’t take account of.

Insurance will never consider the emotional impact of a break-in

One of the things that insurance and statistics can’t truly convey is the emotional impact that is felt by farmers who have been victims of these gangs, as highlighted by NFU Vice President Rachel Hallos, “Not only does rural crime significantly cost the UK on a national level, but it also has a significant impact personally to those farm businesses and farming families financially and emotionally, leaving many rural communities feeling vulnerable and intimidated.”

While insurance is designed to support you, it is far better for you to prevent a crime rather than try to recoup losses afterward. Therefore, ensuring that you have the right security in place is advisable and the more cost-effective solution.







A Future-Proof Solution for Rural Security

By leveraging Long-Range Wireless Connectivity, farm security systems can be tailored to the unique needs of rural communities. Systems are now capable of overcoming challenges around poor internet coverage, energy requirements and high infrastructure costs whilst introducing smarter functionality.

It is hard to quantify the benefits that a robust security system, whether that is peace of mind, the reduction in thefts and criminal activity or the potential reduction in insurance premiums. But what is clear is that there is a clear and obvious benefit to better protecting your farm.

The risk to farmers cannot be underestimated or taken lightly. It isn’t going away, and you can’t guarantee that your insurance will protect you in the way you want.

Therefore, it is imperative that you follow the guidelines of Deter, Delay, and Detect. These can be immediate and simple steps like hiding your assets away or securing them properly through to a full perimeter protection system.

No two farms are the same, and no two solutions are the same, but there are now a range of cost effective and robust solutions that will protect you and your business needs.

Lessons Learnt 


  • Conduct a site review of your premises with security in mind.
  • Work with a professional security installer and get multiple quotes
  • Take advantage of innovate wireless connectivity to mitigate connectivity issues in rural areas, and remove many of the high costs associated with traditional security systems.
  • Read your insurance policy thoroughly and make sure that you have declared all of your equipment.
  • Implement all of the security measures that your insurance policy requires.
  • Take advantage of COP UK’s 20% discount on all GJD security products.


  • Just rely on security camera’s, look to invest into a full perimeter security solution.
  • Think that your insurance will cover everything.
  • Try and do the install yourself