Tao Tech UK LTD
Design production and operation of variable altitude platforms including High Altitude Platforms (HAPs), Mid Altitude Platforms (MAPs) and tethered airborne Platforms for communication, sensor and observation hardware tech e.g 5G and surveillance and mapping services

Telecoms & Tech Academy
Telecoms & Tech Academy is the leading training partner to the industry, having trained more than 30,000 professionals and 500 businesses globally.

Telet Research
Telet are an Operator member of the GSMA. We deliver independent and neutral-host 4G and 5G mobile networks to communities, campuses and businesses.

Teltonika Networks
Teltonika Networks is a rapidly growing technology company, manufacturing professional network connectivity equipment for international markets. Through long-term experience and research and development of industrial network devices for IoT and M2M communication.

The Besen Group LLC
The Besen Group is an international management consulting practice to the mobile industry headquartered in the Washington DC area, with representatives in Paris and Tokyo.
Its mission is to provide mobile players with tools, knowledge, and services enabling them to perform optimally in their mobile environment.
The Besen Group’s competitive edge is based on practical experience with mobile operators, mobile vendors, and a mobile data laboratory.

THE INDUSTRY FOUR® is about Industry NOW to Industry NEXT.
Industry Now to Industry Next: Embracing the fourth to forthcoming industrial revolution.
THE INDUSTRY FOUR® is a catalyst for transformative impact on Industry and Society. The Industry Four shapes the future with transformative impact. THE INDUSTRY FOUR® empowers with impactful innovation. We empower organizations to embrace change and drive innovation for a sustainable and all-inclusive future.
THE INDUSTRY FOUR® is an initiative to serve the industry & society. We serve the industry & society in the field of industry 4.0 digital transformation ecosystem. We serve the industry & society by our novel initiatives, standardization framework, industry ecosystem, and by our Learning & Consulting services.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (or Industry 4.0) is the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using emerging technology innovations. Industry 4.0 is simply the empowerment of Industry 3.0 with Digital Transformation. In this sense, it does not remain limited to just a technology evolution. It covers all the aspects of an enterprise including both business and technology.
Industry 4.0 is happening now. However, the vision and mission of “THE INDUSTRY FOUR®” are not limited to the current state of industry 4.0. For us Industry 4.0 is the starting point of our journey, leading towards the factory of the future or the forthcoming industrial revolution.
Aligned with our vision, "THE INDUSTRY FOUR®" is a blueprint of "fourth to forthcoming" industrial revolution. "THE INDUSTRY FOUR®" is about transition from Industry now to Industry next. It is an evolution of enterprise model. THE INDUSTRY FOUR® is about the evolution of Enterprise Model of Today to Enterprise Model of Tomorrow. The forthcoming revolution is about the inclusive growth of industry & society. This inclusiveness covers the dimensions of People, Planet, and Profit. Whereas the fourth revolution is about Profit & Growth. However, the forthcoming revolution is about Sustainability & Support. It is about Supporting the Sustainability of our Planet, People, and Green Environment. Our initiatives are also aligned with this inclusiveness. "THE INDUSTRY FOUR®" is a transformation of traditional Industry to an all-inclusive IndusTREE.
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The INS Group
The INS Group is a Portsmouth based company offering a variety of key innovative services to the telecommunications industry.

TIP Academy
A learning environment to upskill the telco and IT industry, by the industry

Tonex Training
Industry-leading training, courses, seminars, workshops, and consulting services since 1993.