Brendan Crossey

I am passionate about the ability of technology especially IoT and Data Analytics to transform the world. I have supported Tottenham Hotspurs for over 30 years with a few good moments but unfortunately a lot more pain. I am married with 2 grown up children and one grandson.

Over the last 25 years, the CEO of Healthcare Analytics, Brendan Crossey has gained extensive knowledge of deliver innovative technology solutions into the manufacturing, healthcare and energy sectors.

Brendan has spent the last 5 years establishing several start-up businesses and has spent time working with Investors and Innovation Labs in Ireland, UK and the US.

Previously Brendan spent 9 years building and developing EMC’s presence in Northern Ireland with a strong focus on service transformation using Data Analytics, He also spent 7 years with Sun Microsystems and 8 years with Fujitsu Services.

Brendan was involved in several projects working with the government, universities and other commercial organisations to increase the awareness and use of Data Analytics technologies to transform the Energy, Health and Manufacturing sectors.

Brendan was a member of the Northern Ireland Matrix panel which advised the government on its policy to support the growing Digital Economy over the next 7 years.

Brendan founded Healthcare Analytics in September 2016 who have developed a partnership with the Northern Ireland Health Service to build an innovative, scalable and secure platform using advanced Machine Learning (ML) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for the management of Healthcare Assets including Beds, Instruments, patients and staff.