Coast to Capital

Head of Strategy and Policy at Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership.

With more than 15 years’ experience of partnership working in the private, public and community sectors, Kirsten now heads up the Strategy and Policy team at Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership. Responsible for overseeing the LEP’s agenda around skills, innovation, infrastructure, place and business environment, Kirsten is currently leading the work on an economic strategy for the area that addresses the significant impact of Covid-19. 


Kirsten joined Coast to Capital in May 2015 as the Skills Development Manager, delivering Skills for Growth, the Skills Strategy for the Coast to Capital LEP, working in close partnership with business and public sector partners and stakeholders. Kirsten has been in her current post for more than three years. 


Prior to joining Coast to Capital, Kirsten worked at Brighton and Hove City Council for 8 years, most recently as Partnership Adviser for Learning and Skills. Through partner, community, employer and stakeholder engagement Kirsten delivered on national and local policy areas such as apprenticeships, careers guidance, reducing the number of young people not in employment, education or training and vocational learning. Prior to that she worked in the community and voluntary sector delivering projects aimed at diverting young people away from criminal activity and behaviours.


Working closely with key partners, stakeholders, local authorities and government departments, Kirsten is adept at building strong relationships that support and drive forward the region’s economic growth and productivity.