Gary Thompson

Gary Thompson is Director of Development at Staffordshire University, with a strong background in Full Fibre Networks and 5G. He has a strong commercial and technical background spanning 25 years covering a range of Multi-Million Innovation, Digital and Economic Development programmes. 

Recently working for Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and the 5G Innovation Centre from the University of Surrey and other partners, he created a vision and strategy for a 5G Region.

With Sir Terry Matthews and Simon Gibson of Wesley Clover created the original business case for "The Internet Coast" for the Swansea Bay City Region £1.3bn City Deal. He has worked as Chief Investment Officer for Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, and developed an International Internet Gateway and Multi-Terabit Fibre Spine plan for the Cardiff Capital Region.

His early career with Marconi ignited his passion for communications systems and the way they connect people, places and their future prosperity to make the best of every available economic opportunity. 

He is excited about the transformative affect communicating using Full Fibre Networks and 5G will have on the development of new economies in Future Energy Systems, Health and Precision Medicine, Autonomous Vehicles and Advanced Manufacturing.