Ian Simpson

Experienced (aka older) telecoms consultant having rolled out extensive systems for the mobile industry, fuel and power industries and local government. Rural Scotland a speciality.


Sucessfully deployed systems for o2, Vodafone, Cable and Wireless, THUS, ScottishTelecom, ScottishPower, SouthernWater ( SW's representative on TAC... Water industry Telecoms Advisory Committee).

Microwave links (IP, SDH, PDH, space diveristy, 6+0, cellular backhaul), Point to multipoint WAN (Scottish Government Pathfinder (predecessor to SWAN), Fixed Radio Access telephony, Emergency Generation radio, MPT1327 PMR, MPT1411 Scanning telemetry, Tunnel leaky feeder, Site UHF system.

Safety critical systems rolled out at Nuclear power stations (Torness, Hunterston, Chapelcross), Conventional Power stations (Longannet, Cockenzie, Methil), Hydro  sites (Cruachan, Galloway Hydros), Petrochemical sites (Grangemouth, Sullom Voe), windfarms, Schools sites.

Roll-outs from Brighton to Muckle Flugga (Saxa Vord, most northerly tip of Shetland).

Submissions presented to Infrastructure Commission for Scotland