John Grant

John Grant chairs the ETSI Industry Strategy Group on Non-IP Networking (ISG NIN), which is working on new packet routing for core and RAN, avoiding the problems operators have experienced with the current TCP/IP-based technology. He has been designing digital networks since 1981 when he created local area networking technology which was used in both industrial and commercial environments. Since then he has created products for carrying video and audio over digital networks, including network switching equipment; this has given him an insight into the requirements of audio and other live media, which are very different from those for data traffic. More recently he has been researching how packet networking can meet these requirements as well as avoiding the various problems that have been identified with IP. He is a Fellow of the Audio Engineering Society and chairs their standards subcommittee SC-02 on digital audio. He is also editor of several international standards documents including ISO TR 29181-3 (Future Network switching and routing).