Kevin Taylor

I am a communications and editorial consultant specialising in the wireless industry. One of the companys I currently support is 5TONIC - 5G co-creation laboratory in Spain founded by Telefonica and IMDEA Networks specialising in developing and testing 5G vertical market applications and services. I also support Evolved Intelligence and its work on improving 5G interconnect security, IoT specialists Telit, and the software-led mobile infrastructure vendor Mavenir.

I have worked supporting companies in the mobile networking space for more than 30 years.  At BT I worked on the launch of (as it was then called) Cellnet, before forming a specialist mobile PR consultancy in 1989. 

After helping to lead that agency for 20 years - working with the GSMA, Motorola, IBM, ip.access and Lucent to name a few -I started my own consultancy supporting smaller companies, start-ups, other PR consultancies, and some leading telecoms websites, with consultancy, PR support and editorial content.