Kings College London

Kings College London is one of three sites in the UK that will be linked up via 5G test beds for the first time.

King’s has pioneered technologies to enable ultra-low latency 5G tactile internet developments to underpin the emerging Internet of Skills, which will change how people learn, train and share knowledge and experience.

King’s College London is driving the vision for ultra-low latency 5G tactile internet developments with Internet of Skills applications. Through the King’s College London 5G Tactile Internet Lab, the university is also pioneering several important 5G co-design approaches with various industries, including smart cities, smart transport, performing arts and health. 

The promise of unprecedented speeds, and ultra-low latency, will deliver the power of touch, or real-time haptic feedback, across the mobile internet. As part of the Government’s Testbeds and Trials Programme, the University of Surrey’s 5G Innovation Centre has been leading on the development of powerful, fast and stable 5G radio technology and mobile networks. The University of Bristol has been working on Smart City and Smart Campus 5G deployment in the city of Bristol, targeting real-life demonstrations of 5G services in urban environments.

This technology will allow experts - from skilled surgeons to professional musicians - to share their physical expertise with a global audience in real-time. Surgeons will be able to physically guide medical students on other continents. Musicians will be able to transmit their ‘muscle memory’ wirelessly to exoskeletons worn by beginners – demonstrating the movements required to perform the most complex compositions, without needing to be in the same room.

Mischa Dohler, Professor of Wireless Communications and Head of the Centre for Telecommunications Research at King’s College London, said: ‘We are immensely proud to be part of this programme and to have achieved the UK’s first 5G Massive MIMO test and the world’s first fully softwarized end-to-end call. It is the product of years’ long engagement with large industries, and testimony to King’s incredible research and innovation capabilities. To be the first in the UK to showcase live a technology which will fundamentally change our society for the better, is very humbling. We are very proud that King’s and our ecosystem has become a global go-to-place for industries regarding 5G innovation, design and delivery."