
Connecting knowledge, expertise, skills, research and business in a busy world is important but hard

konfer is innovation brokerage at your fingertips. It opens up research, researchers and services in UK universities and research institutions, and for academics, it is a way to find impact partners.

Search for what you want – an expert, a research paper, a piece of equipment, funding or business-university collaboration opportunities. konfer captures and categorises these and more, providing a unique means to search for and discover innovation opportunities across the UK.

You can make connection requests directly to experts from konfer. If that contact, or the institution, wants to make the connection then you’re off!

konfer – innovation brokerage at your fingertips.konfer was created by the National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). It harvests data from multiple sources including:

  • University web pages
  • RSS News Feeds
  • Gateway to Research (GtR)
  • REF Case Studies
  • ORCiD
  • Equipment.data.ac.uk
  • Video (YouTube)
  • Latest funding opportunities from Innovate UK

Data is regularly updated and enriched using konfer’s machine learning and natural language processing technology to enable intelligent categorisation search and discovery.
