Next Generation Internet Services Ltd

Consultancy company specialising in telecoms, backhaul & wholesale products and services. Provision of The AssetHUB - a neutral, open access wholesale platform designed to make it simple and easy to see, interact with and request access to existing assets and infrastructure.

The AssetHUB maps existing and planned assets and infrastructure, making them available to others on a neutral, open access basis. It is designed to speed up deployment and reduce the cost and complexity for deploying 5G and fibre.

NGIS is a consultancy company specialising in broadband and internet technologies & solutions for companies, communities and rural areas, offering advice and expertise in the following areas:

  • Backhaul - one of the most important and often costly areas for delivering broadband solutions to rural and under-served areas. NGIS are experts in backhaul solutions, finding innovative ways of using Tier1 carrier's fibre networks in the most cost effective and useful manner.
  • Core Network and Wholesale provision - ensuring the sustainability of any broadband solution is critical, and providing Wholesale Open Access solutions can ensure the long term viability of the network, delivering choice and competition on the network.
  • Wholesale Product design - building and delivering the right wholesale products and solutions that ISPs will be able to use, and that subscribers will want to buy. Ensuring they are priced correctly for the market and benchmarked against the rest of the industry will drive a thriving retail market on the network.
  • IP Transit and regional breakout using industry leading operators
  • Service and SLA guidance
  • Variety of technologies from fibre to wireless
  • OSS/BSS solutions to ensure smooth and automated provisioning, support and billing and effective re-use of assets