Raj Sivalingam

Raj joined WHP Telecoms Ltd in December 2017, as Head of Innovation. He is responsible for building partnerships with equipment suppliers, operators / users, Government and industry and identifying innovative approaches for the digital communications challenges at hand. Prior to this he was Executive Director for Telecoms and Spectrum at techUK, the trade association for the digital industries in the UK. His role was to lead on issues to promote the markets relating to digital communications. As such he led activities on a diverse range of topics from next generation broadband (4G, 5G, fibre etc) and digital connectivity for rail and utility sectors to child online safety. This work gives him a valuable network and position of trust with senior industry leaders. Prior to this he was a Senior Civil Servant at the Department for Business, where his roles included that of Director for UK Space Policy and European Relations. Earlier, at the Radiocommunications Agency (now Ofcom) as Head of Business Unit, he was responsible for regulatory policy and licensing for a range of wireless sectors. Before joining the civil service, he held a number of senior posts in the defence and space industries, including Chief Technologist at M/A-Com and Senior Programme Manager with Matra Marconi Space, now part of Airbus.