Sarah Jones

Lean & Six Sigma Business Consultancy

VA Innovation are a business consultancy that specialise in Lean Six Sigma methodology and are passionate about improving performance. Whether that be through leading operational excellence, change management projects or implementing a powerful business transformation. We believe that at the heart of every successful business is people. By instilling a culture of continuous improvement alongside the right tools and guidance; together we will drive growth and success.

To compete in today’s competitive market every business must strive to improve, and no two companies are the same. That is why we provide bespoke training and leadership, delivered through a practical hands on approach generating measurable and sustainable improvement in both business processes and people performance. It could be a standalone project or a widespread cultural shift, our operational excellence consulting services can be developed to suit your goals, now and as they develop.


Our team of experts have held senior positions and supported a diverse range of industries. We understand the challenge of improving performance and building sustainable change. We know the right questions to ask to enlighten your colleagues while guiding you through successful implementation.


If you’re ready to reach your potential, we are right there with you.