Sepi Chakaveh

Inventor of PixselChat the first multiuser data communication platform with embedded live translation. Thought Leader & academic in Data Science & AI with a long standing experience the higher education sector and R&D IT project management. CEO/Founder of Pixsellar University of Oxford Departmental Lecturer in Data Science and Course Director Everywoman Innovator Award 2020 and ConnectTVT Technology Game Changer 2021.

Dr Sepi Chakaveh, is the CEO/Founder of Pixsellar and an University of Oxford Lecturer in Data Science and AI.

Sepi has a BSc in Electronic Engineering and a PhD in Experimental Astrophysics and Space Sciences from the University of Kent.

Pixsellar's foucus is to design and engineer end-to-end, holistic data and AI-driven applications which solve real-life problems.

She has extensive experience as a Senior Scientist/Academic working both in the UK and Germany, including Imperial College London, Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg, University of Göttingen, Fraunhofer Society and the University of Southampton where she was the co-founder and the former Director of Southampton Data Science Academy, the first UK online data science academy.

Pixsellar has recently developed PixselChat which is the second generation of multiuser/multiplatform data communication system with instant live conversational translation over 100 languges.

In 2020 PixselChat has successfully been tested on the Digital Catapult 5G networks.