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National Composites Centre

The National Composites Centre (NCC) is an independent, open-access technology centre delivering world-class research and development of composites. As part of the UK’s Catapult Network, we offer our partners access to the latest technology, provide technical expertise and the business support they need to overcome barriers to innovation and accelerate their growth.

National Cyber Security Centre

Helping to make the UK the safest place to live and work online.

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)

NHS University Research are funded by the Department of Health and Social Care to improve the health and wealth of the nation through research.

Netcom Training

Delivering digital skills fully-funded by the West Midlands combined authority

Network Rail

Network Rail is at the heart of revitalising Britain’s railway. From Crossrail – Europe’s largest civil engineering project – to investment in world-class stations and major programmes of electrification.

North Pennines AONB

Each Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) has an organisation responsible for co-ordinating efforts to conserve and enhance it. In the North Pennines, this is the North Pennines AONB Partnership

North Yorkshire County Council

North Yorkshire County Council is committed to ensuring North Yorkshire is a place with a strong economy and sustainable growth. One of the Councils priorities is to deliver a modern communications network and will continue to work to deliver mobile phone and data connectivity in rural areas.