ETI Software Solutions

ETI Software Solutions provides a flexible, service delivery and management platform, incorporating innovation, improved efficiency, sustainability that can make a positive environmental impact on complex multifaceted, geographically remote projects.

For more than 25 years ETI Software Solutions has been delivering remote monitoring and management to a broad partner eco-system including, most of the major equipment vendors in the market today. We support both public and private sector businesses, manage over 15 million devices globally and complete 7 billion transactions per day. We deliver automated provisioning, service automation, and device management.

From solving specific OSS/BSS challenges to delivering analysis and integration of complex systems, we continue to support you through innovation, efficiency and sustainability of work on site and help to ensure that we make a positive environmental impact.

Our proposition can be applied across any communications environment, where safety, security and reliability are paramount. Our platform offers the flexibility to build the solution to suit the environment and to monitor your network uninterrupted, day or night.

You will diagnose problems as they arise, monitor escalation, determine remediation, resolve problems remotely, reduce the need for field service intervention.

Our SMP simplifies the process of device and application integration, consolidates data, and provides role-based views to help both small and large service providers protect and grow their businesses by reducing costs, improving customer experience and field management, and making next-generation service roll-out faster and easier. Automation is no longer centred around OSS and BSS – it is now at the forefront of the customer experience.