Peter Stoker

Peter started in the auto industry in 1983 in what was then the Austin Rover Group, after graduating from UMIST in Polymer Physics. His first position was in Trim & Hardware development. He left Rover Group for 5 years as a Tier 1, Webasto roof systems, before moving to GM Europe in Luton in 1992.  

He was assigned to Japan for 3 years, on the launch of the Frontera and then he project managed the development of the AstraVan, for GME the first virtually developed vehicle derivative without prototypes. He became head of the Vehicle Engineering group in 2012, and Chief Engineer in 2017. 

Peter led the successful bid for the Government’s Controlled urban CAV testbed, due to open in September 2019, and is the host for the Autoair DCMS 5G Transport testbed.