TMY Technology Inc.

Established in 2014 in Taiwan. TMYTEK is dedicated to solving all the mmWave challenges in the 5G/ B5G era.

As a mmWave total solution provider, TMYTEK builds mmWave phased arrays for 5G and satellite markets with advanced Antenna-in-Package (AiP) technology.

One of TMYTEK’s products XBeam resolves the traditional OTA testing issue in mass production lines to verify the billions of mmWave modules, smartphones, and base stations before shipping. TMYTEK also builds mmWave tools to make R&D more productive. Besides, Fortune 500 companies and top universities have adopted TMYTEK’s main products BBox ( 5G mmWave Beamforming development kit) and UD Box ( a wideband up-down converter) as their mmWave engineering tool kit.

Product Line:

• R&D Tool: 

BBox - 5G NR mmWave Beamforming Development Tool

UD Box - 5G NR mmWave Up-down Converter


• Academic:

BBoard - 5G/B5G Beamforming Educational Kit


• Production:

XBeam - 5G NR mmWave OTA Solution for Production


• Built for 5G, built for LEO:

Antenna-in-Package (AiP)