Transport & Logistics

Displaying results 1 - 24 of 65

Resource | 18 Jul 2024

5GIR – Belfast Innovation Region Cluster presentation

5G Enablement Programme Development of a sustainable Belfast region (and NI wide) programme to foster the local advanced wireless ecosystem, drive adoption of advanced wireless technologies, and aggregate and demonstrate demand for investment in advanced wireless technologies.

Event | 07 Jun 2024

Cambridge Tech Week 2024

Cambridge Tech Week brings together world-leading experts, innovators and investors to fuel growth across the tech ecosystem, establishing Cambridge as a key place where global tech comes to meet.

Resource | 30 May 2024

GM 5G Innovation Region Programme Presentation

GM 5G Innovation Region Programme Presentation as given at the UKTIN Clusters Forum Event

Event | 29 May 2024

Connected Britain 2024

Connected Britain is the UK’s most important digital economy event, bringing together stakeholders from across the connectivity ecosystem. 

Event | 15 Apr 2024

Quantum readiness: the transport sector and quantum computing

Embracing the quantum computing revolution is essential to addressing challenges and developing the next generation of intelligent transportation. 

Event | 08 Apr 2024

MOVE 2024

MOVE is the world's #1 tech mobility event, bringing together the people and companies redefining mobility.

Resource | 14 Aug 2023

Innovation Briefing Issue 6 | Looking to 2025

Unlike the move from 3G to 4G, the transition to 5G has been fairly seamless. It is expected that 5G coverage will have reached 60 per cent of the world’s population by 2026, making it the fastest ever mobile network deployment.

Resource | 14 Aug 2023

Digital connectivity will empower people to restore our planet

Comment piece by Paul Coffey, CEO, The Scotland 5G Centre

Resource | 14 Aug 2023

Catapult Brings Hybrid Satellite Connectivity to 5G Network Trials in Rural Dorset

Enhanced connectivity for rural areas

Resource | 11 Aug 2023

Sunderland Smart City Vision Workshop

Background and objectives of workshop held by Sunderland City Council to define their smart city vision.

Resource | 11 Aug 2023

Mobile Access North Yorkshire (MANY) Engagement Toolkit

This toolkit shares social science research insights from the MANY (Mobile Access North Yorkshire) project: working to put 5G connectivity infrastructures in place for very rural communities.

Resource | 09 Aug 2023

Mobile UK Report | How will 5G help the environment?

5G will benefit our economy and society. It will be better at doing the things that 4G does already, but significantly it will offer faster and more reliable mobile internet. It will also do things that 4G cannot.

Resource | 13 Jul 2023

The path to true 5G and what it means for businesses

This is a guide for enterprise IT teams that want to understand what ‘true’ 5G might be able to bring to their businesses – and when.

Resource | 13 Jul 2023

Private cellular networks: opportunities, challenges and the future


The advantages of private cellular networks are well rehearsed – from data usage savings and enhanced traffic flow, to better control and information security.

Resource | 13 Jul 2023

Building the 5G Investment Case: Public Transport

5G—and the digital technologies it powers—can be the key to unlocking a more efficient, sustainable future for public transport.

Resource | 13 Jul 2023

Core Skills for Deploying 5G in the Transport & Logistics Sector

This guide has been created to highlight the specific skills required to make the most out of 5G and other forms of advanced connectivity, including tips and advice as well as case studies.

Resource | 13 Jul 2023

A Report from West Mercia 5G

The following information is the High Level Summary Report (October 2022) on the outcomes and findings from the West Mercia Rural 5G Project.

Resource | 13 Jul 2023

Straightforward Guide to 5G | Transport & Logistics

Be it by rail, road, sea, inland waterways, pipe or air, the transport and logistics sector is the linchpin that keeps the UK moving. In fact, as an island nation, the movement of goods—or logistics—is critical to our very existence.

Resource | 12 Jul 2023

Transport & Logistics: How To Secure 5G Connectivity

Explore the different options available to transport & logistics organisations to secure 5G

Resource | 12 Jul 2023

Exploring the cross-sector parallels shaping the future of 5G

A summary of key insights coming out of a recent UK5G Barrier Busting Round table

Resource | 12 Jul 2023

Vertical Insights Report

The aim of this report is to consolidate and present the findings from the industry and supply-side consultations we have hosted across UK5G’s four target verticals: creative industries, manufacturing, transport & logistics, and health & social care.

Event | 11 Jul 2023

5G Innovation Regions Online Briefing Event

Subject to final approvals, the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) intends to launch the 5G Innovation Regions competition at the end of July.

In anticipation of this, local/regional authorities and industry are invited to provisionally register for the 5G Innovation Regions online briefin