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Ayrshire 5GIR
Ayrshire 5GIR: Julia McMurdie, North Ayrshire Council; Derek Johnstone, South Ayrshire Council; Ashleigh Jordan, Vodafone
Ayrshire 5GIR Update Agenda
• Regional Economic Strategy
• Digital Economy Framework

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A3 Scotland 2024
Highlands and Islands Enterprise alongside Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) are thrilled to be hosting A3 Scotland 2024: Transition to Digital – Fit for the Future

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Glasgow City Region: Smart & Connected Social Places Presentation
Presentation outlining Glasgow City Region strategic context and properties

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5G Unwrapped: For Food, Drink & Agriculture Businesses
Are you a seafood, farming or food and drink processing business? Is your organisation facing challenges and are keen to discover more about how 5G technology can be used to manage records, improve camera video feed, remote monitor equipment and reduce time for machinery maintenance and more?
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The Borderlands 5G Innovation Region
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The Ayrshire 5G Innovation Region
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The Glasgow 5G Innovation Region

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The Scotland 5G Centre
The Scotland 5G Centre accelerates the deployment and use of 5G and advanced communications technologies in Scotland’s Industrial and Public Sectors. Its remit is to enable the substantial economic and societal benefits provided by telecommunications advancements.

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5G Private Networks - A One Day Primer
In this 1-day short course we present the key know-how and operational information on Private 5G Networks, considering key topics from radio frequency spectrum to radio units (RU), from user equipment to use cases, and from 5G core to the cloud and the edge.
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North Ayrshire Council
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Innovation Briefing Issue 6 | Sponsored: S5GConnect programme
The driving force behind developing opportunities for 5G in Scotland
The role of the Scotland

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Dumfries and Galloway to host Scotland’s first rural 5G connectivity hub
Farming and rural healthcare are amongst the sectors set to benefit
The Crichton, a business and academic campus in Dumfries, will host Scotland’s first rural 5G connectivity hub.

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Digital connectivity will empower people to restore our planet
Comment piece by Paul Coffey, CEO, The Scotland 5G Centre

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Manufacturing: How To Identify Your Connectivity Requirements

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Health & Social Care: How data privacy can be effectively managed via 5G networks

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UKTIN Nations & regions Leadership Monthly Meeting Presentation

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IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modelling and Design of Communication Links and Networks
Welcome to the IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modelling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD) website.

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