The Benefits of Digital Connectivity for Local Authorities

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When: 12 September 2023, 10:00 - 11:30

Where: Virtual

Cost: Free

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The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and the Local Government Association are coming together to host a series of webinars for Local Authorities on digital connectivity.

These information sessions will discuss the benefits of digital connectivity, provide useful information for supporting the rollout of digital infrastructure and provide an opportunity to answer questions. Each webinar will focus on a different theme or topic related to digital connectivity and will feature industry experts as well as officers from local authorities.

The first webinar in the series will:

  • Give an overview of the digital connectivity landscape.
  • Discuss the benefits of digital connectivity for local communities including increasing access to online services, driving innovation, and supporting businesses to grow and helping to meet net zero targets. 
  • Provide practical tips for progressing the digital connectivity agenda within Local Authorities across a wide range of geographies such as rural, urban and coastal through Digital Champions and connectivity plans.
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