Distinguished Lecture: Wi-Fi 7

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When: 08 April 2025, 14:00 - 17:00

Where: The Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge

Cost: Free to £50+VAT

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Wi-Fi 7 is here, and it promises to significantly boost the speed and stability of your wireless connections, with reliable low-latency performance and the ability to manage more connections. So if you design, apply or use Wi-Fi join the Radio Technology SIG for a distinguished lecture on the impact of Wi-Fi 7.

Wi-Fi is everywhere – at home, in the office, in commerce and industry … and in pretty much every coffee shop.  To satisfy our ever increasing demand for connectivity Wi-Fi 7 offers higher throughput, better efficiency and quality of service.

In three presentations this event will explain how these are achieved, covering the regulatory framework, radio technology as well as the challenge of measuring and validating the performance. 

This event is kindly hosted at Department of Computer Science and Technology (formerly known as the Computer Laboratory), Cambridge University.

Employees of CW member organisations and those working in a UK University can attend this event for free. Tickets for non-members are £50 plus VAT. 

Working in a UK University?

We have limited free academic delegate places available for this event, to request a place, please email Clare.kettle@cambridgewireless.co.uk

UKTIN Members can receive free tickets using the code UKTIN25

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