Women in Telco Forum 2023

Pioneering Female Leadership in the Telco Sector and Driving Business Value.

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When: 14 March 2023, 09:30 - 16:00

Where: Online

Cost: This is a free event.

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It has been widely reported there is a large gender gap in the technology industry, with the gap widening further in the telecoms sector. This event will seek to provide a community for women wanting to enter the sector, develop their careers, and for leaders to attract and retain talent. The event will provide delegates with practical information to enhance their professional growth and promote diversity in the telecoms industry.

What to expect from the forum

Women in Telco will feature a number of practical discussions throughout the day, such as:

  • Learn why diversity is better for your business, and how to implement greater diversity in your organization
  • Find out about leading telco industry company initiatives to attract more diverse candidates and further career progression of women
  • Get up to speed on the workforce pipeline challenges and how to attract the best talent to your business in a competitive market
  • Discuss hiring for change and examine the evolution of job roles and skill sets required
    Gain insight into leading female experts' career journeys in telecoms and receive practice advice on climbing the company ladder
  • Was talent retained in the industry post-pandemic. and what were the struggles of the workforce?  
  • What lessons can be learned post-pandemic regarding creating more flexible working environments, sourcing talent globally and achieving a better work life balance 
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