1.5 billion 5G subscriptions predicted by the end of the year

Written by Andrew Wooden for Telecoms.com

1.5 billion 5G subscriptions predicted by the end of the year

According to a report by Swedish kit vendor Ericsson, 5G mobile subscriptions are growing in every region in the world, but the extent to which this is translating into revenue growth remains unclear.

The June 2023 edition of the Ericsson Mobility Report claims that 5G subscriptions are on the up in every region worldwide, as is global mobile network data traffic  with the monthly global average usage per smartphone expected to exceed 20 GB by the end of the year.

5G subscriptions are forecasted to reach 4.6 billion globally by the end of 2028, which would make up more than 50% of all mobile subscriptions. 4G subs are also increasing, growing by 59 million during Q1 2023 to 5.2 billion, but they are projected to start declining from this year to around 3.8 billion by the end of 2028 as customer jump over to 5G contracts.

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