5G has major potential to impact sustainability, but…

Written by Sean Kinney for RCR Wireless News

5G has major potential to impact sustainability, but…

EY sees operators as needing to reinvent to address enterprises’ needs and deliver the full sustainability benefits 5G can enable

Telcos sit in an interesting position as it relates to global sustainability efforts. Given the scale of many telecommunications networks, large operators are major energy consumers. Also due to scale, many of these operators are among the vanguard of publicly-traded firms emphasising carbon neutral goals with attendant environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies.

Another level here is that operators need to deliver 5G-enabled solutions to enterprises to drive growth, so that’s a major priority. As it relates to sustainability, 5G put into the hands of large enterprises could be used to broadly improve efficiencies that are themselves carbon emitting. To make sense of it all, RCR Wireless News spoke with EY Global 5G Industry and Emerging Tech Leader Fuad Siddiqui. 

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