BEACON-5G Workshop and End of Project Showcase Event Report



The BEACON-5G team organised a workshop and end of project showcase event aimed at exhibiting some of the key technological innovations for Open RAN. BEACON-5G is among the winners of the £30 million UK government funding, allocated as part of the Future Open RAN Competition (FRANC), to support 5G diversification strategy.

The main objective of BEACON-5G project is to realise a high-performance multivendor 5G Open RAN system with native capabilities of openness, intelligence, resilience, reconfigurability, and democratisation, for operation in dense urban local/private as well as public/carrier deployments. The key project partners and suppliers include Thales, Accelleran, AttoCore, Benetel, and South Gloucestershire Council. 

The showcase event saw participation from different sectors including vendors, system integrators, mobile network operators (MNOs), vertical industries, regulatory bodies, UK academia, government, and local authorities. The programme included keynote talks from industry, panel sessions with industry experts focusing on challenges of Open RAN and business exploitation, and technology demonstrations from project partners.

Visit the Beacon-5G project page

Read the Beacon-5G case study here

Read here about the DSIT FRANC projects

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