ECORAN Presentation



The Energy-efficient Cloudlets for ORAN, or ECORAN project will reduce the power consumption of the commodity hardware used by Open RAN.

A key feature of ORAN is the use of commodity hardware made up of servers, accelerators, storage and programmable interfaces, together with open software.

The ECORAN project aims to reduce the power consumption of the commodity hardware used by introducing novel ways of interconnecting and managing servers, accelerators, storage and interfaces in small processing cells (cloudlets).

The proposed open and intelligent processing on demand approach can enable a wide range of applications and can reduce the total cost of ownership significantly. For example, demand peaks may be witnessed in stadiums, in shopping centres and in city centres for short durations during a match, during the lunch hours or during an event. Processing on demand enables the correct amount of processing to be orchestrated and provisioned on demand at the correct location at low power consumption and low latency using ORAN.

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