Future Capability Paper: Core Technologies



Core Network Technologies are defined explicitly as the critical networking technologies across the ISO layer model that enable networking. These are wide and varied, and the group made an early decision to separate the areas somewhat aligned with but not exactly representing the ISO model as a way of making the topics more manageable for the reader. 

Core Network has many meanings; this paper is not about the 3GPP Mobile Enhanced Packet Core or the Core network of a transport/fixed network. Whilst many of the technologies referenced in the paper are part of those architectures, we want to make clear that his paper is much broader than just those two items. 

Core network technologies create key enablers or capabilities in networking and are, for the most part, used in conjunction with other network technologies to form a use case. They are also wider than just this paper, wireless, optical and semi-conductors are key core networking technologies, these are covered in other papers.

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