Straightforward Guide to 5G | Health & Social Care

Few sectors, if any, have been subject to as much sweeping change—and strain—as health and social care.



In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, employees worked tirelessly on the frontlines, saving countless lives and embarking on an impressive accelerated digital transformation.

But despite significant progress, connectivity is still a major problem for the sector and far from the only challenge it faces. Currently, 70% of the NHS budget is used for long-term condition management due to the UK’s ageing population and rise in complex comorbidities. In social care, too, demand for services is increasing, and there are significant concerns around recruitment and digital skills.

5G could play an important role in tackling these challenges. Digital technologies can support more people-centric care, a transition from a reactive to a preventative model, and move the delivery of care from clinics to communities. Unlocking the efficiency, resilience and flexibility required to meet the UK’s ever-growing health and social care needs.

This guide has been designed to demystify 5G, helping organisations understand exactly what 5G is, what it does and why it’s important. We’ve tried to keep it as jargon-free as possible but if you find yourself confused, we’ve included a handy glossary.

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