
Displaying results 49 - 58 of 58

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Experiments bring hope for 6G above 100 GHz

Written by Taro Eichler, Rohde & Schwarz for 5GTechnologyWorld.com

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US telcos solve C-band airline interference issue

Written by Mary Lennighan for Telecoms.com

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Wireless Infrastructure Strategy: new investment boosts UK's digital connectivity

The next evolution of 5G, future telecoms and a national mission to connect all communities

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Ofcom to make 6 GHz of mmWave spectrum available to UK telcos

Written by Scott Bicheno for Telecoms.com

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University of Bristol’s Smart Internet Lab welcomes £6m boost for the communications technologies of tomorrow

Future communication systems including 6G, faster internet access and cloud computing have received £6m investment from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) – part of UK Research and Innovation.

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5G players could finally see action on 12GHz debate

Written by Mike Dano for LightReading.com

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Japan plans to auction spectrum, rather than give it for free

Written by Linda Hardesty for FierceWireless.com

The Nikkei news site in Japan reported that the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) will introduce a spectrum auction system by early 2026. This is a new development in Japan, where previously MIC allocated spectrum to wireless carriers for free.

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Is it time for mmWave 2.0?

Written by Stefan Pongratz from Fierce Wireless