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COMP-O-RAN - Project Report
This dissemination document highlights the closure of the CoMP-O-RAN Project outlining what was achieved and why. It summarises the experiences and findings gained during the project life cycle from development and prototyping phases through to testing in real environments.

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Future Capability Paper Optical Communications & Photonics
This future capabilities paper has been prepared by the Optical Communications and Photonics Expert Working Group (EWG) for the UK Telecom Innovation Network (UKTIN) as part of the Future Telecoms strategy.

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BEACON-5G Workshop and End of Project Showcase Event Report
The BEACON-5G team organised a workshop and end of project showcase event aimed at exhibiting some of the key technological innovations for Open RAN. BEACON-5G is among the winners of the £30 million UK government funding, allocated as part of the Future Open RAN Competition (FRANC), to support 5G diversification strategy.

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Proteus project closure report (public)
Proteus is a project executed under the UK’s department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS, now DSIT) Future of RAN Competition (FRANC). In this report we provide an overview of the project’s stated objectives and of its achievements.

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Next-Gen Telco Infra
The emergence of new technologies and solutions for telecom networks and interfaces requires a fresh approach to planning, procurement and deployment. Open RAN and the disaggregation of hardware and software have already had an impact on the supplier ecosystem.

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The AI-Native Telco
Returning for its second year, the AI-Native Telco Summit explores how automated processes and the deployment of AI-based tools are manifesting themselves in network operations as well as service delivery and management.

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Cloud Native Telco
Back for a sixth year, TelecomTV’s Cloud Native Telco Summit examines how communications service providers are adopting new methodologies, practices and tools to underpin their increasingly cloud-oriented strategies. This year’s expanded summit covers all stages of the cloud-native journey.

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RAN architecture evolution towards the 6G vision
An update on the ongoing evolution of RAN architectures including the “vision” for 6G architectures; why 6G is required (from an architectural perspective); virtualisation underpinning this future direction and how we get to the 6G vision.

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Everything you need to know about UKTIN's AI R&D Discovery Toolkit
One of UKTIN’s core goals is to make the UK telecoms sector easier to navigate, whether you’re an international organisation looking to break into the market, an established UK player who wants to better understand where certain research is being conducted, or a student looking to identify which university best aligns to their

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Strategic IP Investment for Telecom Start-Ups: from Seed to Success
Join us for an exclusive webinar tailored for the telecommunications industry: "Strategic IP Investment for Telecom Start-Ups: from Seed to Success".

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Future Capability Paper: Core Technologies
Core Network Technologies are defined explicitly as the critical networking technologies across the ISO layer model that enable networking.

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O-RANOS Project Closure Report
O-RANOS looked at the development of x/r Apps, security model, and deployment of Apps to the RiC (Radio Interface controller) that would allow the sharing of network resources between a public and private networks.

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Future Capability Paper Semiconductors for Telecoms
This paper was prepared by the Semiconductor Expert Working Group for the UK Telecom Innovation Network (UKTIN) as part of a series of telecom future capability papers for UKTIN’s Future Telecoms Strategy group.

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The telecoms industry forms a vital part of the UK’s society and economy. It connects the country and provides the basic infrastructure on which we build all elements of our digital lives, both social and economic.

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Our interconnected telecoms industry will only thrive with standards at its core
Our interconnected telecoms industry will only thrive with standards at its core
Andy Reid, Standards Champion, UKTIN

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Since the launch of the UK Telecoms Innovation Network in April 2023, much has been accomplished. The network and expertise now mobilised is already delivering significant benefit and is set to be a valuable resource to the industry and policy makers looking ahead.

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The State of Broadband: - June 2024 Leveraging AI for Universal Connectivity
The ITU/UNESCO Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development is investigating and considering how AI can best be used to enhance people’s lives, improve development outcomes and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Joint techUK / UKspace Satellite Telecommunications Committee Q2 Meeting 2024
Come join the second STC quarterly meeting of 2024 on Thursday 19 June 2024 at techUK's London office.

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UKTIN’s Highlights: The UK Telecoms Innovation Ecosystem Conference
On Thursday, 30th May 2024 at the IET London, UKTIN hosted the inaugural UK Telecoms Innovation Ecosystem Conference to provide a unique opportunity for peers to:

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Digital Drop-In: 07 06 2024
Let's keep talking!
When the Wireless Infrastructure Strategy was published in April 2023, it centralised guidance to local government and businesses to help them advance their wireless connectivity across the UK.

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GenAI Security Roundtable - sponsored by AWS
As the UK government invests £1 billion in accelerating the nation's generative AI capabilities, AWS and techUK are hosting a roundtable discussion to explore the critical intersection of security and ge

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Inter-Academy International Workshop on ‘Future Communications And 6G’
Join us at this landmark event to shape the future of wireless communication, drive economic growth, and forge international partnerships that will define the next era of global connectivity.