
Displaying results 193 - 216 of 476

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Connected North 2023

Delivering the North's Connected Future

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The Scotland 5G Centre: Transforming your business with 5G

Discover innovative 5G use cases, that show how 5G is transforming everyday business operations.

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Westminster eForum | Next steps for the UK mobile industry

Latest event from the Westminster eForum

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CAIS Lecture | Automated Theorem Proving: a Technology Roadmap

Automated Theorem Proving: A Technology Roadmap presented by Prof. Lawrence Paulson

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Perspectives on Diversification: University of Strathclyde

The UK Government is committed to diversifying the telecoms supply chain, but diversification can cover a multitude of principles, and different players in the ecosystem will have varying viewpoints on what diversification means for them.

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Mavenir Introduces Fixed Wireless Access Solution

Accelerates Broadband Coverage in Rural Communities and Enables More Market Competition

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Industrial 5G Testbeds and Trials Report by Digital Catapult

Evidencing the real-world benefits and value of Industrial 5G

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Pre-Commercial Network Slicing Trials Major Conclusions

While several documents have already been produced on the network slicing concept, technical details, and business cases, this White Paper tackles a more challenging, complex and practical domain by consolidating the pre-commercial network slicing test results from different chipset platforms

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Synchronisation Distribution in 5G Transport Networks

Synchronisation Distribution in 5G Transport Networks

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5mm Wave Deployment Best Practices

Looking at the best practices when deploying millimetre Wave Networks

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High Level Summary Report | A partnership testing how 5G transforms rural services

The following information is the High Level Summary Report (October 2022) on the outcomes and findings from the West Mercia Rural 5G Project.

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The Mobile Economy Europe

Mobile networks are vital to economic recovery and realising green and digital transformation across Europe. Two years into the EU’s Digital Decade, the connectivity target of ‘Gigabit for everyone, 5G everywhere’ has never felt more urgent.

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Telecoms Trailblazers: A day in the life of Maria Lema

The latest in the Telecom Trailblazers series.

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Exploring the cross-sector parallels shaping the future of 5G

A summary of key insights coming out of a recent UK5G Barrier Busting Round table

5G leaders from across manufacturing, transport & logistics, health & social care, and creative industries, came together in August 2022, to discuss the future of 5G in the UK.

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Telecoms Trailblazers: A day in the life of David Burns

The latest in the Telecoms Trailblazers series.

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Smart Junctions End of Project Event

Presentation shown as part of the final project event


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5G SubConnect Project Report

The 5G SubConnect project ran from 1st November 2021 until 31st March 2022, investigating the potential for 5G connectivity to add value to maintenance activities in the tunnels of the Glasgow Subway and underground railway systems in general.

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Connected Care Report

Mobile UK has published a report entitled Connected Care: How mobile connectivity can help councils overcome the challenges of delivering adult social care. This report highlights the enormous potential that connectivity can offer to the challenges that councils face in delivering adult social care.

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Manufacturing: An Introductory Guide to 5G and Security

A guide exploring 5G's security credentials, its ability to support zero trust models and the interplay between security and safety.

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Health and Social Care: How data privacy can be effectively managed via 5G networks

Security and privacy is vital when dealing with peoples' personal.  This guide explores how 5G networks can deliver secure connectivity, providing assurance to the sector and patients.

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Creative Industries: An Introductory Guide to Uplink and Downlink

Explaining uplink and downlink - what they are and why they are important to the creative industries

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UK5G Vertical Insights Report

UK5G Vertical Insights Report

The aim of this report is to consolidate and present the findings from the industry and supply-side consultations we have hosted across UK5G’s four target verticals: creative industries, manufacturing, transport & logistics, and health & social care.

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CREATIVE INDUSTRIES: A Guide to Trialing or Deploying 5G

Amid rising expectations and ever- shrinking budgets, creative businesses are eager to explore new, innovative methods of creating and delivering content and experiences. This vital UK industry needs more immersive, personalised and accessible content: 5G can help to deliver.

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3D-printed antennas could bring 5G and 6G to remote communities

3D-printed radio antennas that could help bring stronger mobile phone signals and faster internet connections to people living in remote communities have been developed by researchers at the University of Sheffield.