OpenRAN Reality Check | Webinar

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When: 12 July 2023, 19:00 - 20:30

Where: Online

Cost: Free

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Part of the vision of Open RAN has been creating specifications and ecosystem alignment resulting in what is effectively a plug-and-play radio system.

However, the reality today, and the near-term outlook, show this isn't the case; system integration is and will be a key driver of Open RAN deployments.

This webinar examines where we are, the reality of the plug-and-play vision, and how the industry is collaborating to address this aspect of the Open RAN vision.

Sean Kinney, Editor-in-Chief, RCR Wireless News
Kartik Srinivasan, Sr. Director of Product, Intel Ethernet
Sameh Yamany, CTO, VIAVI Solutions

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