Telecoms Trailblazers: A Day in the Life of Mike Bromwich

Mike Bromwich

Hello, I’m Mike Bromwich and I am a co-founder of Stacuity, an IoT technology business based in the Isle of Man which has built a cloud-centric, software-defined mobile core network. I have worked in telecoms and IT for over thirty years, and this is my latest venture.

We have created an innovative platform which empowers customers, including developers, with real-time visibility and control, at the individual IMSI level.  This enables customers, regardless of their size, to customise connectivity according to their bespoke requirements, with no impact on upstream mobile operator connectivity providers.

Building a prototype was the first step, before then securing mobile operator partnerships to allow our software-defined service to work across the world. Since those early days, we have raised funding, built a commercial team and now we are in the process of onboarding customers internationally.

The idea for Stacuity started as a lockdown project. From my previous experiences as a customer of mobile operators, I was frustrated by what was being provided: the services were limited, complex and challenging to integrate. However, from also having spent time working within an operator, I understood that the structure of the standard core network technology made it difficult for them to meet the needs of customers like me. So, I set out to see if a new approach was possible.

Opening up the mobile core network to empower customers will benefit all players in the ecosystem – mobile operators and their MVNO partners will have more/happier customers, more valuable/differentiated connectivity propositions and better growth/profits; customers will be able to manage and secure mobile connectivity like any other cloud-style service – agile, intelligent, cost-efficient.  It’s time for us all to embrace the potential of software-defined mobile networks.

1/ What do you enjoy most about working in this space?

I’m a “techie”. Though I’m a co-founder, I enjoy being a part of the technical team and leading it from within. Working together is always a joy. We have a brilliant team, working towards a shared understanding of the problems facing telecoms to come up with solutions.

2/ What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve done in the name of work?

In a previous role, I quite literally went around the world in a week to build four installations. I travelled from the UK to Hong Kong, Sydney, LA and New York, and then back again. People often ask me if I’ve ever been to Australia and my answer is always, “just for a day trip”.

3/ What excites you most about working in telecoms?

Telecoms underpin almost everything we do. Working in the industry, I come into contact with so many different people, in so many different sectors. I have learned a lot about totally disparate industries, for which telecoms is the foundation. I’m not sure there’s another sector like it.

4/ What would you like people to know about your work?

We’re democratising telecoms, enabling businesses to reach their full potential irrespective of their scale, size and capabilities.

5/ ​​Why is a vibrant, flourishing telecoms ecosystem important for the UK?

By supporting the sector, we can develop an attractive industry that brings in new, exciting people, whether those coming out of university or looking for a career change. The UK is an engineering nation – if we stay at the forefront of telecoms, we will enable innovation across the economy.

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