Telecoms Trailblazers: A Day in the Life of Peter Kibutu

Peter Kibutu

Hi, I’m Peter Kibutu. I lead the 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks activities at TTP, a product and technology consultancy working at the intersection of science and engineering across wireless communications, healthcare, life science, clean tech and so much more.

My background is in building cellular technologies and I worked in this field for many years. When I came to TTP, around six years ago now, I started getting involved with bespoke waveform design and development for satellite operators. But now standardisation is taking off, my role is beginning to change and 5G NTN lies at the centre. 

We are starting to encourage those operators who typically opt for bespoke waveforms to consider the standards. (That’s my rule, anyway!) Working with the broader industry ecosystem to develop solutions that meet the requirements of our operators' clients. This involved building a good understanding of what is already supported by standards and what needs to be changed.

5G NTN is a game-changer. From a business perspective, there are more use cases and more opportunities. Of course, though, there are challenges with building the network, especially for the LEO use cases. This is all very new and complicated, but I’m here to help design and build highly optimised networks that can provide very high quality services at a reasonable cost. 

1/ What do you enjoy most about working in this space? 

It’s just so exciting. There are a lot of problems to solve. The industry is also currently converging with the terrestrial cellular world, which is incredibly fascinating. I’m sure there’s even more change to come too. 

2/ What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve done in the name of work?

 I didn’t realise how cold Scotland's highlands can get. I learned the hard way when I once went to install a radio test site in winter wearing trainers and no gloves. I almost got frostbite but thankfully, a customer lent me their spare boots.

3/ What excites you most about working in telecoms?

I work on problems that affect people’s lives. Communication is a key aspect of everyday human life. My work trickles down and eventually impacts the end user; there are many people in the ecosystem, but even being a small part excites me. 

4/ What would you like people to know about your work?

The job isn’t just design and consultancy but involves developing niche products too. There are times when we come across a problem that can't be solved with off-the-shelf technologies and have to build bespoke solutions for our customers. 

5/ ​​Why is a vibrant, flourishing telecoms ecosystem important for the UK?

The UK has always been a leader in this space technology. The space comms and cellular industries, in particular, are very robust. But the space sector is evolving, and it is evolving fast with the convergence between 5G  terrestrial and satellite worlds. A broader ecosystem will allow us to come together, retaining the UK as a centre of excellence for the next generation of 6G networks. This will open up new opportunities, and the UK needs to step up and compete. We need to dominate the market.

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