O-RANOS Project Closure Report



O-RANOS looked at the development of x/r Apps, security model, and deployment of Apps to the RiC (Radio Interface controller) that would allow the sharing of network resources between a public and private networks.

The Use case described was a ‘ESN’ (emergency Services Network)  SIM being used on it’s home network being able to make calls on a Private Network when it’s home network was no longer available, such as at a large port or a chemical plant.

The project also looked at the use of Satellite communications to provide backhaul to enable the use of 5G private networks on multiple sites using a single core or to enable the ability to switch messages between different back haul routes.

The partners in the project where Attocore, WeaverLabs, University of Bristol, Satellite Applications Catapult, Parallel Wireless and Cellnextelecom.

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