Core Networking Technologies
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WM5G Open Networks Presentation
Presentation given as part of the DSIT Open Networks Ecosystem Competition
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Asset Market Presentation
Presentation given as part of the DSIT Open Networks Ecosystem Competion
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Department of Science, Innovation & Technology | Pitching Event Round-up
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CW Event | Update on current knowledge of RF Safety 2023
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RCR Live 2023 | Telco Reinvention
As telco operators are on the cusp of major network and business transformation choices, we seek to provide a meeting place for the telco community to come together to discuss the short to mid-term challenges impacting the industry, and the opportunities to monetize networks and offer service differentiation.
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UKTIN Launch Event
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UK 5G DU-Volution
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Scalable Optical Fronthaul for 5G OpenRAN
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Towards AI Powered and Secure Carrier-Grade Open RAN Platform
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Energy-efficient Cloudlets for ORAN (ECORAN)
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Best of British RAN Development
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UKTIN Opens Recruitment for Special Interest Group Chairs
UKTIN is excited to announce that recruitment has opened today for the Chair positions for our eight Special Interest Groups.
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Core Network Technology
Core networks are critical infrastructure and new digital technologies and trends have the potential to disrupt and transform, ensuring capabilities, resilience and performance can meet emerging and future needs