FarrPoint Webinar: The Connectivity Puzzle beyond Gigabit

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When: 12 September 2023, 11:00 - 12:00

Where: Online

Cost: Free

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As more UK local authority areas are awarded Gigabit infrastructure contracts, we pose the challenge - what's next?

It is clear that project Gigabit will not reach all premises and even if it did, our job does not stop there. We've invited four local authority representatives to talk about the 'to do list' on their connectivity agendas in our next webinar.


Graham Pinfield, Perth & Kinross Council
Ceren Clulow,  Connecting Cambridgeshire
Dija Oliver, Swansea Bay City Deal
Glenn Peacey, Hampshire County Council
Steve Smith, [Moderator] Principal Consultant - FarrPoint

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