AI to dominate telecom trends in 2024 – report

Written by Yanitsa Boyadzhieva

AI to dominate telecom trends in 2024 – report

For all of those wondering just how important AI will be for the telco industry (which is practically everyone in the sector at this point), Juniper Research has put in its two cents’ worth: In its latest whitepaper, the research house has highlighted the technology as the centrepiece for three of the top-10 trends in the sector for 2024, as the chart above shows. 

According to its findings, the telco market “is poised for major disruption” as new technologies, such as generative AI (GenAI), are now forcing stakeholders to reassess long-standing business strategies. 

“AI is having positive impacts across many verticals, and the telecoms market is no exception. Many stakeholders, including operations, communications platforms and messaging vendors, will leverage advances in AI to create new network efficiencies,” noted Juniper Research.

Furthermore, the rise of GenAI, which is “a technology so emergent, it remains largely misunderstood amongst enterprises”, is expected to be key in differentiating communications-platform-as-a-service (CPaaS) offerings throughout 2024. 

The research firm expects GenAI to play a key role in revolutionising conversational AI by automating personalised marketing campaigns. 

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