CSP giants form Global Telco AI Alliance

Written by Ray Le Maistre

CSP giants form Global Telco AI Alliance

Strengthening its position at the heart of the all-important AI-native telco debate, Deutsche Telekom, along with e&, Singtel and SK Telecom, has emerged as one of the founding members of the Global Telco AI Alliance, which aims to “accelerate AI transformation of the existing telco business and create new business opportunities with AI services.”

The formation of the alliance comes only weeks after Deutsche Telekom’s VP of technology strategy, Ahmed Hafez, co-hosted the DSP Leaders World Forum 2023 session entitled Creating a framework for the AI-native telco, during which he noted that to take advantage of the potential benefits of AI, the industry needs to figure out a way to evolve from being opportunistic to becoming AI-native – see Towards the AI-native telco.

Now DT has signed a multilateral memorandum of understanding (MoU) for cooperation in the AI business, along with its three alliance co-founders. And it’s clear this initiative has support right from the top of each of the quartet, as the MoU ceremony, held in Seoul, South Korea, was attended  (either in person or online) by Claudia Nemat, DT’s board member with responsibility for technology and innovation, e& group CEO Hatem Dowidar, Singtel group CEO Yuen Kuan Moon, SK group chairman Chey Tae-won, and SK Telecom CEO Ryu Young-sang. 

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