Generative AI will usher in ‘transformational benefit within two to five years’

Written by Andrew Wooden

Generative AI will usher in ‘transformational benefit within two to five years’

Analyst firm Gartner has highlighted a series of emerging technologies peaking their heads over the horizon, and says AI will have a ‘profound impact on business and society.’

Gartner’s ‘Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies’ lists various bleeding edge tech areas and positions them on a life cycle from early innovation towards maturity and a point where they are actually a productive thing. It is a distillation of insights about ‘2,000 technologies and applied frameworks’ that Gartner generates in a year into a shortlist of ‘must know’ emerging technologies.

Once technology emerges into the world, it goes through a ‘period of inflated expectations’ followed by a ‘trough of disillusionment’, and then a ‘slope of enlightenment’ – according to Gartner’s rather flamboyantly phrased model.

It places generative AI at the present moment at the peak of the ‘period of inflated expectations’, which seems to mean there’s a lot of hype around it right now, but projects that it will reach ‘transformational benefit within two to five years.’


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