Government commissions research into a potential UK Future Telecommunications Institute

Department for Science, Innovation & Technology

Imagine a future where the UK is a global leader for innovation in future telecoms technologies. Where UK-based companies and researchers pave the way in 6G implementation, push technology forward for improved network security and - by enabling the IoT and connected devices - support other industries to innovate and break through.  

The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) has commissioned RSM UK Consulting LLP, alongside partners Real Wireless and ICF, to study the feasibility and benefits of a potential UK Future Telecommunications Institute - as one possible intervention to boost the UK’s long-term competitiveness in future telecoms. While other options are also being considered, this study will focus on the establishment of a potential Future Telecommunications Institute in the UK, surfaced through academic and industry engagement to date, and viable models for this institute. DSIT wishes to deliver a suite of long-term interventions in collaboration with the sector to realise its long-term strategic objectives of: increasing the total investment in UK telecoms R&D, improving the level of commercialisation of innovative future telecoms technologies, and subsequently positioning the UK as a global leader in future telecoms. 

If you want to learn more about the study and have a say in what this institute should look like, please contribute to the open consultation

Why contribute?  

Your inputs will help shape the nature of future government support provided to the telecoms sector, and ensure any future institute meets the sector's needs.  

The data gathered from this survey will be an important source of information to shape a series of workshops taking place in Autumn 2023. While we cannot guarantee workshop attendance at this time, we welcome your expression of interest to take part.  

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