Introducing UKTIN’s Senior International Advisor

Tom Shenstone Landscape Image

UKTIN speaks to Tom Shenstone, who has recently joined UKTIN as an International Advisor within the Supplier Specialist Guidance Service.

  1. Please tell UKTIN about your background.

My background covers numerous roles in telecoms, technology, innovation, and strategy. Most recently, I ran the O2 innovation lab, building rapid prototypes to solve business problems using all manner of emerging technologies. Before that, I headed up network and technology strategy teams. I am a huge fan of open innovation and collaboration and have lived and worked in a variety of countries, most with rather better weather than the UK.

  1. What will you be working on at UKTIN?

Within the SSGS (Supplier Specialist Guidance Service) I’m working as the senior international advisor complementing my two colleagues Roger Hinkson and Tim Osbaldeston, both senior advisors managing the national focus. The context of my work is accelerating the diversification of the UK telecoms supply chain: attracting inward investment and promoting security and open networks and interfaces to enable richer and more innovative UK capabilities and services. I am helping international companies, both large and small,  navigate our somewhat fragmented telecoms ecosystem. For example, signposting R&D towards industry, connecting companies to resources of private and public funding, matchmaking for competition consortia formation as well as highlighting national testbed facilities. The work also includes providing guidance on compliance and standards for international companies looking to expand their products and services into the UK.

  1. Where is there a need for these services?

The UK telecoms ecosystem primarily operates today on a “who you know” basis, making it difficult for new entrants and international players to efficiently connect to the right partners and explore new opportunities. Almost every company we’ve spoken to sees the need for UKTIN and the value of its Supplier Specialist Guidance Service. Best of all we are technology agnostic and without a commercial driver so I’d encourage companies to reach out to us for help and guidance.

  1. What does success look like for you?

For me, a successful outcome is raising the profile of UK telecoms on the world stage, so it’s seen as a vibrant and exciting destination to do business in, known for its compelling R&D opportunities, its rich start-up ecosystem with complementary sources of funding and its leading academic institutions. International outreach by the SSG service at critical events like MWC (Mobile World Congress) and similar forums will generate a funnel of opportunities that underpin the UKTIN mission and purpose.

  1. Why did you want to be a part of UKTIN?

I am a firm believer in innovation and collaboration. I was a part of the early 5G trials which DCMS initiated in 2017 and saw how they brought together disparate parties from different vertical sectors to explore new opportunities. For me, working within UKTIN is doing what I love to do: bringing people together and making things happen. 

  1. Why is a thriving telecoms ecosystem important for the UK?

We live in a highly connected and increasingly online world which is enabled by secure reliable telecommunication systems. The Government recently published its Science and Technology Framework where Future Telecoms was identified as one of the UK’s five key critical technologies alongside the  likes of AI, Quantum and Semiconductors so this shows its importance for our economy.

Telecoms play a huge part in our everyday lives so a thriving ecosystem is fundamental to delivering new innovative products and services to market. 

Find out more about how to access the service by emailing and learn more about our International Advisory Support here.

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