Nokia doesn’t expect to achieve its 2023 financial targets

Written by Andrew Wooden

Nokia doesn’t expect to achieve its 2023 financial targets

Nokia said the number crunching behind its financial outlook for 2023 assumed the closure of outstanding license renewals in Nokia Technologies, and as of December 30 it no longer expected these negotiations to conclude before the end of the year. As such it’s net sales, comparable operating margin and free cash flow targets for the year won’t be met.

“While there have been intense negotiations between the relevant parties and courts around the world have found in Nokia’s favour, the company will prioritize protecting the value of its patent portfolio versus achieving certain timelines for resolution,” stated a release.

The firm will report its Q4 and full year 2023 financial results on 25 January. With regards to Q4 performance in its networks businesses – which includes Network Infrastructure, Mobile Networks, and Cloud and Network Services divisions – net sales ‘are expected to demonstrate a significant improvement sequentially.’


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