Telecom professionals see private networks as key to 5G monetisation

Written by Armita Satari for

Telecom professionals see private networks as key to 5G monetisation

According to’s latest 5G survey report, 5G’s top monetisation capability in the next two years is enterprise private networks, while the mobile edge has slipped down down in relevance.

Among a bunch of other key findings, the survey report, Advancing 5G, explores the industry’s hottest question of how best to monetise 5G. With the need for pricing power to return to telcos more urgent than ever before, it seems imperative for telcos to explore and rethink the 5G monetisation models available to them.

In this year’s survey, 5G enterprise private networks seems to be the crowd pleaser, capturing three in five of all votes. Interestingly, Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) has slipped down in the list of most viable routes to monetisation (in the near term) compared to previous iterations of this survey.

As the report drills down into the main barrier faced in the deployment of 5G-SA, it appears there is still a lack of viable monetisation models to justify investments as the business case remains unclear. This very much marries up with the urgent need to rethink monetisation strategies, and more holistically speaking, the wider telecoms business model. Other key barriers include cost of deployment and managing both cloud-native and legacy components.

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