UK altnets ‘keeping pace’ on FTTP, says Point Topic

  • Research firm reports that fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) subs growth in UK is faster among altnets than major ISPs
  • Altnets accounted for nearly 30% of retail UK FTTP connections at the end of Q2 2024; market leader BT had a 37% share
  • Stinging rebuke for Virgin Media O2’s “premium pricing” for consumer FTTP
  • While FTTP’s star is on the rise, fibre-to-the-cabinet (FTTC) is on the wane against a backdrop of stagnation in the overall size of the UK broadband market

When it comes to growth rates in retail FTTP (fibre-to-the-premises) connections, the UK’s ‘altnets’ – when viewed collectively – seem to be holding their own compared with their bigger and more established ISP rivals, according to respected broadband sector research firm Point Topic.

According to Point Topic’s latest quarterly update on UK ISP and network supplier metrics quarterly update on UK ISP, which covers the three months to 30 June 2024, the combined broadband customer base of the UK’s altnets – all of which are hooked up to full-fibre access networks – totalled 2.06 million at the end of June: That’s a quarter-on-quarter increase of 29% and a 32% jump when compared to the end of June 2023 (1.56 million).

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